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Acupressure is commonly known as “Acupuncture without needles”. Acupressure is a form of physical therapy that involves manual pressure that is applied to specific points of the body. Rooted from traditional Chinese medicine, these areas are sourced to be the “meridians” (or channels) of the human body, which are lines of energy that flow through connecting our organs to other areas of the body. This is where acupressure points are to be found- there are known to be 14 main acupressure points along meridians. 

Acupressure points are of significance as it is thought that when flows of energy (also known as “qi” “chi”) in our body are blocked, it can cause imbalances and physical ailments. Meridians start from your fingertips, link to your brain and connect to the organ associated with a specific meridian line. 

It is theorised that pressure applied to these areas promote the relief of natural pain by triggering the release of chemical endorphins in the body.



Acupressure is often administered by practitioners through the pressure of their fingertips or through medical devices such as Nugabest’s N-4 and N-5. Various techniques are applied in realms of acupressure treatment that include pressing, rubbing, gentle stretching, rolling, chafing, kneading, wiping and grasping - this allows for acupressure techniques to also be self-administered for areas out of reach. Levels of pressure used vary, with most starting with light pressure and gradually working deeper.


Use in Our Products

At Nuga Best, all of our products mimic these very notions from the internal Tourmanium rollers that are programmed to travel, target and stimulate the acupoints situated along the spinal cord with the aid of deep heat therapy and far-infrared rays.